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Dustin Brunner 2022-01-22 17:41:55 +01:00
commit 9403ac5bff
5 changed files with 409 additions and 0 deletions

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# Wetterstation Berechnungen
Hier sind einige nützliche Berechnungsfunktionen und Formeln zu finden, welch ich in meiner Wetterstation verwende. Die Berechnungsfunktionen sind in Javascript zur Verwendung in Node-Red geschieben, können jedoch einfach auch für andere Plattformen angepasst werden (z.B. Arduino).
Die Quellen sind jeweils verlinkt.
# Taupunkt berechnen
Die Berechnung des Taupunktes erfolgt aus den Messwerten Temperatur (°C) und Luftfeuchtigkeit (%).
var calcdewpoint = function(celsius, humidity) {
var a, b;
if (celsius >= 0) {
a = 7.5;
b = 237.3;
} else if (celsius < 0) {
a = 7.6;
b = 240.7;
// Sättigungsdampfdruck (hPa)
var sdd = 6.1078 * Math.pow(10, (a * celsius) / (b + celsius));
// Dampfdruck (hPa)
var dd = sdd * (humidity / 100);
// v-Parameter
var v = Math.log10(dd / 6.1078);
// Taupunkttemperatur (°C)
var td = (b * v) / (a - v);
//Runden 1 Nachkommastelle
td = Math.round(td * 10) / 10;
return td;
msg.payload = calcdewpoint(12.45, 80);
return msg;
# Gefühlte Temperatur berechnen
Die Gefühlte Temperatur setzt sich aus zwei Berechnungsarten zusammen. Windchill (Temperatur kleiner als 10°C und Windgeschwindigkeit größer als 4.8km/h) und Hitzeindex (Temperatur größer als 26.7°C und Relative Luftfeuchte größer als 40%).
var calcwindchill = function(celsius, windspeed) {
var windchill = 13.12 + 0.6215 * celsius - 11.37 * Math.pow(windspeed, 0.16) + 0.3965 * celsius * Math.pow(windspeed, 0.16);
return windchill;
var calcheatindex = function(celsius, humidity) {
return (-8.784695 + 1.61139411 * celsius + 2.338549 * humidity - 0.14611605 * celsius * humidity - 0.012308094 * celsius * celsius - 0.016424828 * humidity * humidity + 0.002211732 * celsius * celsius * humidity + 0.00072546 * celsius * humidity * humidity - 0.000003582 * celsius * celsius * humidity * humidity);
var Temperatur_2m = parseFloat(12.34);
var Luftfeuchte_rel = parseFloat(80);
var windkmh = parseFloat(2.45);
if (Temperatur_2m <= 10 && windkmh >= 4.8)
msg.payload = calcwindchill(Temperatur_2m, windkmh);
msg.topic = "123";
else if (Temperatur_2m >= 26.7 && Luftfeuchte_rel >= 40)
msg.payload = calcheatindex(Temperatur_2m, Luftfeuchte_rel);
msg.topic = "246";
else //Keine der beiden Formeln ist definiert
//msg.payload = -1;
msg.payload = Temperatur_2m;
//Runden 1 Nachkommastelle
msg.payload = Math.round(msg.payload * 10) / 10;
return msg;
# Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit
Eine Umrechnung von Relativer (in %) in Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit (in g/m^3).
// Relative to absolute humidity
// Based on
var absoluteHumidity = function(temperature, humidity) {
return (13.2471*Math.pow(2.7182818,17.67*temperature/(temperature+243.5))*humidity/(273.15+temperature));
var Temperatur_2m = parseFloat(12.34);
var Luftfeuchte_rel = parseFloat(45);
msg.payload = absoluteHumidity(Temperatur_2m, Luftfeuchte_rel);
//Runden 1 Nachkommastelle
msg.payload = Math.round(msg.payload * 10) / 10;
return msg;
# Windgeschwindigkeit Meter pro Sekunde in Kilometer pro Stunde
Eine Umrechnung der Windgeschwindigkeit vom m/s in km/h sowie runden des Ergebnisses auf eine Nachkommastellen.
msg.payload = Math.round(msg.payload * 3.6 * 10) / 10;
return msg;
# Windgeschwindigkeit von Kilometer pro Stunde in Windstärke/Beaufortskala umrechnen
Die Berechnungen beziehen sich auf die Einheit m/s.
var windmax = parseFloat(msg.payload) / 3.6;
var windstarkewort = {};
windstarkewort.topic = "Windstärke_Wort";
var windstarkebft = {};
windstarkebft.topic = "Windstärke_bft";
if (windmax < 0.3) {
windstarkebft.payload = 0;
windstarkewort.payload = "Windstille";
else if (windmax >= 0.3 && windmax < 1.6) {
windstarkebft.payload = 1;
windstarkewort.payload = "leiser Zug";
else if (windmax >= 1.6 && windmax < 3.4 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 2;
windstarkewort.payload = "leichte Brise";
else if (windmax >= 3.4 && windmax < 5.5) {
windstarkebft.payload = 3;
windstarkewort.payload = "schwache Brise";
else if (windmax >= 5.5 && windmax < 8.0 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 4;
windstarkewort.payload = "mäßige Brise";
else if (windmax >= 8.0 && windmax < 10.8 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 5;
windstarkewort.payload = "frische Brise";
else if (windmax >= 10.8 && windmax < 13.9 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 6;
windstarkewort.payload = "starker Wind";
else if (windmax >= 13.9 && windmax < 17.2 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 7;
windstarkewort.payload = "steifer Wind";
else if (windmax >= 17.2 && windmax < 20.8 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 8;
windstarkewort.payload = "stürmischer Wind";
else if (windmax >= 20.8 && windmax < 24.5 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 9;
windstarkewort.payload = "Sturm";
else if (windmax >= 24.5 && windmax < 28.5 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 10;
windstarkewort.payload = "schwerer Sturm";
else if (windmax >= 28.5 && windmax < 32.7 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 11;
windstarkewort.payload = "orkanartiger Sturm";
else if (windmax >= 32.7) {
windstarkebft.payload = 12;
windstarkewort.payload = "Sturm";
return [windstarkewort, windstarkebft];
# Windrichtung "Grad in Wort"
Eine Umrechnung einer Windrichtung in Grad (0° entpsricht Nord) in Himmelsrichtungen (z.B. NO, S usw.).
var windrichtung = parseInt(msg.payload);
var windrichtungwort = {};
windrichtungwort.topic = "Windrichtung_Wort";
if (windrichtung >= 348 && windrichtung < 12) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "N";
else if (windrichtung >= 12 && windrichtung < 35) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NNO";
else if (windrichtung >= 35 && windrichtung < 57) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NO";
else if (windrichtung >= 57 && windrichtung < 80) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NOO";
else if (windrichtung >= 80 && windrichtung < 102) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "O";
else if (windrichtung >= 102 && windrichtung < 125) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SOO";
else if (windrichtung >= 125 && windrichtung < 147) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SO";
else if (windrichtung >= 147 && windrichtung < 170) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SSO";
else if (windrichtung >= 170 && windrichtung < 192) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "S";
else if (windrichtung >= 192 && windrichtung < 215) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SSW";
else if (windrichtung >= 215 && windrichtung < 237) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SW";
else if (windrichtung >= 237 && windrichtung < 260) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SWW";
else if (windrichtung >= 260 && windrichtung < 282) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "W";
else if (windrichtung >= 282 && windrichtung < 305) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NWW";
else if (windrichtung >= 305 && windrichtung < 327) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NW";
else if (windrichtung >= 327 && windrichtung < 348) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NNW";
else {
windrichtungwort.payload = "???";
return windrichtungwort;
<p xmlns:dct="" xmlns:cc="" class="license-text">This work by <span property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> is licensed under <a rel="license" href="">CC BY 4.0<img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" /><img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" /></a></p>
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />Dieses Werk von <span xmlns:cc="" property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.

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# Wetterstation
MQTT-Wetterstation mit Datenauswertung und -Darstellung in Node-Red sowie Aufzeichung durch Influx-DB.
Dieses Projekt besteht aus mehreren Teilen:
## [Grundlagen: VEML 6070 Sensor, UV-Index Berechnung](VEML_6070/
## [Zusatzinfos: verwendete Berechnungsformeln](
<p xmlns:dct="" xmlns:cc="" class="license-text">This work by <span property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> is licensed under <a rel="license" href="">CC BY 4.0<img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" /><img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="" /></a></p>
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />Dieses Werk von <span xmlns:cc="" property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.

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# VEML6070 UV Sensor
[<img src="VEML_6070.png" width="200px">](VEML_6070.png)
The VEML6070 is a UV sensor with I2C-Interface.
It measures the UV light level but **NOT** the UV-Index. However, it is possible to convert the sensor readings to an equivalent UV-risk level/UV-Index.
> Unlike the Si1145 (, this sensor will not give you UV Index readings. However, the Si1145 does UV Index approximations based on light level not true UV sensing. The VEML6070 in contrast does have a real light sensor in the UV spectrum.
## Using the Sensor with Arduino
The sensor can be easily connected to the I2C pins of the Arduino (for Arduino UNO + Nano these are the pins A4 and A5).
To read the measurements the `Adafruit_VEML6070`-Library can be used.
It can be installed directly via the Arduino Library Manager. Alternatively, it can be downloaded from GitHub:
## Convert measurements to UV-Risk level
The conversion is implemented in the equivalent Adafruit library for Circuit Python ( However it is not implemented in the Arduino version.
I adapted the Circuit Python code and created an extended example sketch with risk-level-conversion.
String convert_to_risk_level(int reading)
int integration_time = 4; //available for Integration-Time 1, 2, 4
// MUST be adjusted according to the set integration time
reading = reading / integration_time;
String risk_level;
if(reading <= 560)
risk_level = "LOW (UV 0-2)";
else if(reading > 560 && reading <= 1120)
risk_level = "Moderate (UV 3-5)";
else if(reading > 1120 && reading <= 1494)
risk_level = "High (UV 6-7)";
else if(reading > 1494 && reading <= 2054)
risk_level = "Very High (UV 8-10)";
else if(reading > 2054 && reading <= 9999)
risk_level = "Extreme (UV >10)";
risk_level = "ERROR";
return risk_level;
## You can the full example sketch [here](./vemltest_extended/vemltest_extended.ino).

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#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_VEML6070.h"
Adafruit_VEML6070 uv = Adafruit_VEML6070();
void setup() {
Serial.println("VEML6070 Test");
uv.begin(VEML6070_2_T); // pass in the integration time constant
possible integration times: -> adapt the convert_to_risk_level-function accordingly!
VEML6070_HALF_T ~62.5ms
VEML6070_1_T ~125ms
VEML6070_2_T ~250ms
VEML6070_4_T ~500ms
String convert_to_risk_level(int reading)
int integration_time = 4; //available for Integration-Time 1, 2, 4
// MUST be adjusted according to the set integration time
reading = reading / integration_time;
String risk_level;
if(reading <= 560)
risk_level = "LOW (UV 0-2)";
else if(reading > 560 && reading <= 1120)
risk_level = "Moderate (UV 3-5)";
else if(reading > 1120 && reading <= 1494)
risk_level = "High (UV 6-7)";
else if(reading > 1494 && reading <= 2054)
risk_level = "Very High (UV 8-10)";
else if(reading > 2054 && reading <= 9999)
risk_level = "Extreme (UV >10)";
risk_level = "ERROR";
return risk_level;
// German equivalent
String convert_to_risk_level(int reading)
int integration_time = 4; //available for Integration-Time 1, 2, 4
// MUST be adjusted according to the set integration time
reading = reading / integration_time;
String risk_level;
if(reading <= 560)
risk_level = "Niedrig (UV 0-2)";
else if(reading > 560 && reading <= 1120)
risk_level = "Mittel (UV 3-5)";
else if(reading > 1120 && reading <= 1494)
risk_level = "Hoch (UV 6-7)";
else if(reading > 1494 && reading <= 2054)
risk_level = "Sehr Hoch (UV 8-10)";
else if(reading > 2054 && reading <= 9999)
risk_level = "Extrem (UV >10)";
risk_level = "ERROR";
return risk_level;
void loop() {
int reading = uv.readUV();
Serial.print("UV light level: ");
Serial.print(" Risk level is: ");