Teil 1
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# Wetterstation Berechnungen
Hier sind einige nützliche Berechnungsfunktionen und Formeln zu finden, welch ich in meiner Wetterstation verwende. Die Berechnungsfunktionen sind in Javascript zur Verwendung in Node-Red geschieben, können jedoch einfach auch für andere Plattformen angepasst werden (z.B. Arduino).
Die Quellen sind jeweils verlinkt.
# Taupunkt berechnen
Quelle: https://myscope.net/taupunkttemperatur/
Die Berechnung des Taupunktes erfolgt aus den Messwerten Temperatur (°C) und Luftfeuchtigkeit (%).
var calcdewpoint = function(celsius, humidity) {
var a, b;
if (celsius >= 0) {
a = 7.5;
b = 237.3;
} else if (celsius < 0) {
a = 7.6;
b = 240.7;
// Sättigungsdampfdruck (hPa)
var sdd = 6.1078 * Math.pow(10, (a * celsius) / (b + celsius));
// Dampfdruck (hPa)
var dd = sdd * (humidity / 100);
// v-Parameter
var v = Math.log10(dd / 6.1078);
// Taupunkttemperatur (°C)
var td = (b * v) / (a - v);
//Runden 1 Nachkommastelle
td = Math.round(td * 10) / 10;
return td;
msg.payload = calcdewpoint(12.45, 80);
return msg;
# Gefühlte Temperatur berechnen
Die Gefühlte Temperatur setzt sich aus zwei Berechnungsarten zusammen. Windchill (Temperatur kleiner als 10°C und Windgeschwindigkeit größer als 4.8km/h) und Hitzeindex (Temperatur größer als 26.7°C und Relative Luftfeuchte größer als 40%).
//Quelle: https://myscope.net/windchill-gefuehlte-temperatur-berechnen/
// https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windchill
var calcwindchill = function(celsius, windspeed) {
var windchill = 13.12 + 0.6215 * celsius - 11.37 * Math.pow(windspeed, 0.16) + 0.3965 * celsius * Math.pow(windspeed, 0.16);
return windchill;
//Quelle: https://myscope.net/hitzeindex-gefuehle-temperatur/
// https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitzeindex
var calcheatindex = function(celsius, humidity) {
return (-8.784695 + 1.61139411 * celsius + 2.338549 * humidity - 0.14611605 * celsius * humidity - 0.012308094 * celsius * celsius - 0.016424828 * humidity * humidity + 0.002211732 * celsius * celsius * humidity + 0.00072546 * celsius * humidity * humidity - 0.000003582 * celsius * celsius * humidity * humidity);
var Temperatur_2m = parseFloat(12.34);
var Luftfeuchte_rel = parseFloat(80);
var windkmh = parseFloat(2.45);
if (Temperatur_2m <= 10 && windkmh >= 4.8)
msg.payload = calcwindchill(Temperatur_2m, windkmh);
msg.topic = "123";
else if (Temperatur_2m >= 26.7 && Luftfeuchte_rel >= 40)
msg.payload = calcheatindex(Temperatur_2m, Luftfeuchte_rel);
msg.topic = "246";
else //Keine der beiden Formeln ist definiert
//msg.payload = -1;
msg.payload = Temperatur_2m;
//Runden 1 Nachkommastelle
msg.payload = Math.round(msg.payload * 10) / 10;
return msg;
# Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit
Eine Umrechnung von Relativer (in %) in Absolute Luftfeuchtigkeit (in g/m^3).
// Relative to absolute humidity
// Based on https://carnotcycle.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/how-to-convert-relative-humidity-to-absolute-humidity/
var absoluteHumidity = function(temperature, humidity) {
return (13.2471*Math.pow(2.7182818,17.67*temperature/(temperature+243.5))*humidity/(273.15+temperature));
var Temperatur_2m = parseFloat(12.34);
var Luftfeuchte_rel = parseFloat(45);
msg.payload = absoluteHumidity(Temperatur_2m, Luftfeuchte_rel);
//Runden 1 Nachkommastelle
msg.payload = Math.round(msg.payload * 10) / 10;
return msg;
# Windgeschwindigkeit Meter pro Sekunde in Kilometer pro Stunde
Eine Umrechnung der Windgeschwindigkeit vom m/s in km/h sowie runden des Ergebnisses auf eine Nachkommastellen.
msg.payload = Math.round(msg.payload * 3.6 * 10) / 10;
return msg;
# Windgeschwindigkeit von Kilometer pro Stunde in Windstärke/Beaufortskala umrechnen
Referenz: https://wetterkanal.kachelmannwetter.com/woher-kommt-die-beaufortskala/
Die Berechnungen beziehen sich auf die Einheit m/s.
var windmax = parseFloat(msg.payload) / 3.6;
var windstarkewort = {};
windstarkewort.topic = "Windstärke_Wort";
var windstarkebft = {};
windstarkebft.topic = "Windstärke_bft";
if (windmax < 0.3) {
windstarkebft.payload = 0;
windstarkewort.payload = "Windstille";
else if (windmax >= 0.3 && windmax < 1.6) {
windstarkebft.payload = 1;
windstarkewort.payload = "leiser Zug";
else if (windmax >= 1.6 && windmax < 3.4 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 2;
windstarkewort.payload = "leichte Brise";
else if (windmax >= 3.4 && windmax < 5.5) {
windstarkebft.payload = 3;
windstarkewort.payload = "schwache Brise";
else if (windmax >= 5.5 && windmax < 8.0 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 4;
windstarkewort.payload = "mäßige Brise";
else if (windmax >= 8.0 && windmax < 10.8 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 5;
windstarkewort.payload = "frische Brise";
else if (windmax >= 10.8 && windmax < 13.9 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 6;
windstarkewort.payload = "starker Wind";
else if (windmax >= 13.9 && windmax < 17.2 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 7;
windstarkewort.payload = "steifer Wind";
else if (windmax >= 17.2 && windmax < 20.8 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 8;
windstarkewort.payload = "stürmischer Wind";
else if (windmax >= 20.8 && windmax < 24.5 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 9;
windstarkewort.payload = "Sturm";
else if (windmax >= 24.5 && windmax < 28.5 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 10;
windstarkewort.payload = "schwerer Sturm";
else if (windmax >= 28.5 && windmax < 32.7 ) {
windstarkebft.payload = 11;
windstarkewort.payload = "orkanartiger Sturm";
else if (windmax >= 32.7) {
windstarkebft.payload = 12;
windstarkewort.payload = "Sturm";
return [windstarkewort, windstarkebft];
# Windrichtung "Grad in Wort"
Eine Umrechnung einer Windrichtung in Grad (0° entpsricht Nord) in Himmelsrichtungen (z.B. NO, S usw.).
var windrichtung = parseInt(msg.payload);
var windrichtungwort = {};
windrichtungwort.topic = "Windrichtung_Wort";
if (windrichtung >= 348 && windrichtung < 12) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "N";
else if (windrichtung >= 12 && windrichtung < 35) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NNO";
else if (windrichtung >= 35 && windrichtung < 57) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NO";
else if (windrichtung >= 57 && windrichtung < 80) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NOO";
else if (windrichtung >= 80 && windrichtung < 102) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "O";
else if (windrichtung >= 102 && windrichtung < 125) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SOO";
else if (windrichtung >= 125 && windrichtung < 147) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SO";
else if (windrichtung >= 147 && windrichtung < 170) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SSO";
else if (windrichtung >= 170 && windrichtung < 192) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "S";
else if (windrichtung >= 192 && windrichtung < 215) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SSW";
else if (windrichtung >= 215 && windrichtung < 237) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SW";
else if (windrichtung >= 237 && windrichtung < 260) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "SWW";
else if (windrichtung >= 260 && windrichtung < 282) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "W";
else if (windrichtung >= 282 && windrichtung < 305) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NWW";
else if (windrichtung >= 305 && windrichtung < 327) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NW";
else if (windrichtung >= 327 && windrichtung < 348) {
windrichtungwort.payload = "NNW";
else {
windrichtungwort.payload = "???";
return windrichtungwort;
<p xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" class="license-text">This work by <span property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> is licensed under <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0">CC BY 4.0<img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg?ref=chooser-v1" /><img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg?ref=chooser-v1" /></a></p>
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />Dieses Werk von <span xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.
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# Wetterstation
MQTT-Wetterstation mit Datenauswertung und -Darstellung in Node-Red sowie Aufzeichung durch Influx-DB.
Dieses Projekt besteht aus mehreren Teilen:
## [Grundlagen: VEML 6070 Sensor, UV-Index Berechnung](VEML_6070/README.md)
## [Zusatzinfos: verwendete Berechnungsformeln](Berechnungsfunktionen.md)
<p xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" class="license-text">This work by <span property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> is licensed under <a rel="license" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0">CC BY 4.0<img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg?ref=chooser-v1" /><img style="height:15px!important;margin-left:3px;vertical-align:text-bottom;" src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg?ref=chooser-v1" /></a></p>
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />Dieses Werk von <span xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" property="cc:attributionName">Dustin Brunner</span> ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.
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# VEML6070 UV Sensor
[<img src="VEML_6070.png" width="200px">](VEML_6070.png)
The VEML6070 is a UV sensor with I2C-Interface.
It measures the UV light level but **NOT** the UV-Index. However, it is possible to convert the sensor readings to an equivalent UV-risk level/UV-Index.
> Unlike the Si1145 (http://adafru.it/1777), this sensor will not give you UV Index readings. However, the Si1145 does UV Index approximations based on light level not true UV sensing. The VEML6070 in contrast does have a real light sensor in the UV spectrum.
## Using the Sensor with Arduino
The sensor can be easily connected to the I2C pins of the Arduino (for Arduino UNO + Nano these are the pins A4 and A5).
To read the measurements the `Adafruit_VEML6070`-Library can be used.
It can be installed directly via the Arduino Library Manager. Alternatively, it can be downloaded from GitHub: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_VEML6070
## Convert measurements to UV-Risk level
The conversion is implemented in the equivalent Adafruit library for Circuit Python (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_VEML6070). However it is not implemented in the Arduino version.
I adapted the Circuit Python code and created an extended example sketch with risk-level-conversion.
String convert_to_risk_level(int reading)
int integration_time = 4; //available for Integration-Time 1, 2, 4
// MUST be adjusted according to the set integration time
reading = reading / integration_time;
String risk_level;
if(reading <= 560)
risk_level = "LOW (UV 0-2)";
else if(reading > 560 && reading <= 1120)
risk_level = "Moderate (UV 3-5)";
else if(reading > 1120 && reading <= 1494)
risk_level = "High (UV 6-7)";
else if(reading > 1494 && reading <= 2054)
risk_level = "Very High (UV 8-10)";
else if(reading > 2054 && reading <= 9999)
risk_level = "Extreme (UV >10)";
risk_level = "ERROR";
return risk_level;
## You can the full example sketch [here](./vemltest_extended/vemltest_extended.ino).
References/Sources: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/adafruit-veml6070-uv-light-sensor-breakout.pdf
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 74 KiB |
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#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_VEML6070.h"
Adafruit_VEML6070 uv = Adafruit_VEML6070();
void setup() {
Serial.println("VEML6070 Test");
uv.begin(VEML6070_2_T); // pass in the integration time constant
possible integration times: -> adapt the convert_to_risk_level-function accordingly!
VEML6070_HALF_T ~62.5ms
VEML6070_1_T ~125ms
VEML6070_2_T ~250ms
VEML6070_4_T ~500ms
//Source: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_VEML6070/blob/main/adafruit_veml6070.py
String convert_to_risk_level(int reading)
int integration_time = 4; //available for Integration-Time 1, 2, 4
// MUST be adjusted according to the set integration time
reading = reading / integration_time;
String risk_level;
if(reading <= 560)
risk_level = "LOW (UV 0-2)";
else if(reading > 560 && reading <= 1120)
risk_level = "Moderate (UV 3-5)";
else if(reading > 1120 && reading <= 1494)
risk_level = "High (UV 6-7)";
else if(reading > 1494 && reading <= 2054)
risk_level = "Very High (UV 8-10)";
else if(reading > 2054 && reading <= 9999)
risk_level = "Extreme (UV >10)";
risk_level = "ERROR";
return risk_level;
// German equivalent
String convert_to_risk_level(int reading)
int integration_time = 4; //available for Integration-Time 1, 2, 4
// MUST be adjusted according to the set integration time
reading = reading / integration_time;
String risk_level;
if(reading <= 560)
risk_level = "Niedrig (UV 0-2)";
else if(reading > 560 && reading <= 1120)
risk_level = "Mittel (UV 3-5)";
else if(reading > 1120 && reading <= 1494)
risk_level = "Hoch (UV 6-7)";
else if(reading > 1494 && reading <= 2054)
risk_level = "Sehr Hoch (UV 8-10)";
else if(reading > 2054 && reading <= 9999)
risk_level = "Extrem (UV >10)";
risk_level = "ERROR";
return risk_level;
void loop() {
int reading = uv.readUV();
Serial.print("UV light level: ");
Serial.print(" Risk level is: ");
Reference in New Issue