2021-04-24 09:23:55 +02:00
matrix-chatbot.json Node Red Matrix-Chatbot 2021-04-24 09:23:55 +02:00
matrix-doorsensor-flow.json Node Red Matrix-Chatbot 2021-04-24 09:23:55 +02:00 Node Red Matrix-Chatbot 2021-04-24 09:23:55 +02:00

Integration in Node Red / Node-Red Matrix Chatbot

This is a follow-up Article of the MQTT Mailbox-Doorsensor-Project.

I want to show you how you can integrate the Doorsensor into Node-Red, where it triggers a Matrix Chatbot, which is then sending you a Message, that you have got a letter in the mailbox.

If you didnt already have a Matrix-Server, I recommend you to read my article about setting up a Matrix Chatserver using Docker (in German).

The Mailbox-Sensor is programmed in a way, that it publishes a MQTT-message on a specific topic, whenever the mailbox gets opened. Node Red is processing the message and sending out a message into a Matrix-Chatroom.

1. Setup Bot-User on the Matrix server

You first have to create a specific user on your matrix-server, that is only used by the bot. Name it as you want. If you have followed my Matrix-server setup instructions, you can do that in the synapse-admin webpanel.

Now you need to create a Chatroom for you and the Bot (The Personal chat with the bot is not working, due to End-to-End encryption). You can create this room with your personal account on the Matrix-server. Make sure to NOT enable room encryption. Now invite the Bot-user into the room.

After that login into the element-webpanel with your newly created bot-user and accept the invitation into the room.

2. Setup Node-Red

To configure the bot in Node-Red you first need to find out the Room-ID of your bot-room. For that click on the little „i“ in the top right corner of the element-webpanel. Then click on „room-properties“ and in the „advanced“ tab, you find the „Internal Room ID“. Copy it because you will need it later.

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In Node Red you first need to download the Node „node-red-contrib-matrix“. (There is also the „node-red-contrib-matrixbot“ Node availible, but this did not work for me because it wont connect to my matrix server).

Now you can import my flow, which is the file: matrix-doorsensor-flow.json.

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You need to configure the „bot_room out“-Node: Fill your previously copied room-id into the „Room“ field. Then click on the server-field, where you need to fill in your server-address. Dont fill the User-Token field by yourself. Instead fill in the username and password of your bot-user and click on the little arrow in the „Generate Token“ tab. This will create a user-token for you. If you ever have connectivity problems to your matrix-server, just delete the Token from the token field and generate a new one like described earlier.

You can test if your configuration is working by clicking on the inject „1“- node. You should receive a message in your bot-room.

If it does not work make sure that the bot-user is not logged in on the element-webpanel anymore. I have noticed, that the when I login the bot-user on any other client, the generated access token is not valid anymore. If this happens just create a new one and you will be fine :).

Going further

You can expand your bot by adding an input-node to the mix. Now you can text commands into the bot-room and the bot answers to them.

In my configuration I added a opportunity to Request the current weather from my weatherstation. Also the bot textes me at 8 oclock in the morning automatically the current temperature.

My complete flow looks like this:


You can download it, it is the File: matrix-chatbot.json from Mailbox-Doorsensor Repository.

This work by Dustin Brunner is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Dieses Werk von Dustin Brunner ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz.